This is for PhD students working on a qualitative thesis who have completed their data collection and analysis and are at the stage of writing up. The materials should also be useful if you are writing up a ‘mixed-methods’ thesis, including chapters of analysis and discussion of qualitative data for completion of the thesis. Doctoral students discuss their dissertation proposal as part of their qualifying exam. At the completion of this meeting, the student should submit a memo to committee members summarizing what was agreed upon during the meeting Checklist Outlining Chapters of a PhD Thesis Completing the Abstract. The abstract is typically the last part of the project that you will complete. The abstract Acknowledgements. The acknowledgements can be completed at any point in the process of writing a PhD thesis, but it The Introduction
How to Structure a Dissertation | Step-by-Step Guide
The best structure for your HDR thesis will depend on your discipline and the research you aim to communicate. Before you begin writing your thesis, make sure you've read our advice on thesis preparation for information on the requirements you'll need to thesis sections phd. Once you've done this, you can begin to think about how to structure your thesis, thesis sections phd.
To help you get started, we've outlined a basic structure below, but the requirements for your discipline may be different. An abstract is a summary of your entire thesis and should provide a complete overview of the thesis, including your key results and findings.
An abstract is different to your introduction, and shouldn't be used to advertise your thesis — it should provide enough information to allow readers to understand what they'll learn by reading the thesis. As your abstract will have a word limit, you may be unable to answer every question in detail. If you find yourself running out of words, make sure you include your key findings before other information.
All theses require introductions and literature reviews, but the structure and location of these can vary. In some cases, your literature review will be incorporated into the introduction.
You may also review literature in other parts of your thesis, such as in the methods section. If you have a separate thesis sections phd and literature review, they should complement, not repeat, thesis sections phd, each other. The introduction should outline the background and significance of the broad area of study, as well as your:. The literature review should provide a more detailed analysis of research in the field, and present more specific aims or hypotheses for your research.
What's expected for a literature review varies depending on your:. To get some ideas about how to structure and integrate your literature review, look at how to write a literature review and an example analysis of a literature reviewor talk to your advisor. A possible structure for your methods section is to include an introduction that provides a justification and explanation of the methodological approach you chose, followed thesis sections phd relevant sub-sections.
Some standard sub-sections of a methods chapter include:. How the methods section is structured can depend on your discipline, so review other theses from your discipline for ideas for structure. You may want to present your results separately to your discussion. If so, thesis sections phd, use the results section to:. Reports usually include tables, thesis sections phd, graphs and other graphics to present data and supplement the text, thesis sections phd.
To learn how to design and use these elements effectively, see our guides to:. If you find that your research ends up in a different direction to what you intended, it can help to explicitly acknowledge this and explain why in this section. In some cases, the discussion and conclusion sections can be combined.
Check with your advisor if you want to combine these sections. Learning Advisers Our advisers can help undergraduate and postgraduate students in all programs clarify ideas from workshops, help you develop skills and give feedback on assignments. Book an appointment, thesis sections phd. How a Learning Adviser can help, thesis sections phd.
Writing a clear and engaging research paper Thesis and dissertation writing: an examination of published advice and actual practice Scientific writing Graduate research and writing, thesis sections phd. Skip to menu Skip to content Skip to footer. UQ Home Contacts Study Maps News Events Library Give now my. The University of Queensland my. Site search Search. Site search Search Menu, thesis sections phd. Structuring your thesis. Home Information and services Higher Degree by Research HDR candidature support How to write a thesis.
If you need help determining a suitable structure: read other theses in your discipline — you can search for UQ theses on the Library website, thesis sections phd.
For prime examples, search for theses that received commendations from their examiners check with your advisor. A basic thesis structure includes the following sections:. Abstract Introduction and literature review Methods Results or findings Discussion Conclusion, thesis sections phd. Abstract An abstract is a summary of your entire thesis and should provide a complete overview of the thesis, including your key results and findings.
Your abstract should answer the following questions: What did you do? How did you do it? Why was it worth doing? What were the key results? What are the implications or significance of the results? Introduction and literature review All theses require introductions and literature reviews, but the structure and location of these can vary. Other options for structuring an introduction and literature review include: a brief introductory chapter with a longer, separate literature review chapter a long introductory chapter with a brief introductory section thesis sections phd by literature review sections a brief introductory chapter with detailed literature reviews relevant to the topic of each chapter provided separately in each chapter — this is common in a thesis comprised of publications.
The introduction should outline the background and significance of the broad area of study, as well as your: general aims — what you thesis sections phd to contribute to the understanding of a topic specific objectives — which particular aspects of that topic you'll be investigating the rationale for proceeding in the way that you did your motivation or the justification for your research — the level of detail can vary depending on how much detail you will be including in a literature review.
What's expected for a literature review varies depending on thesis sections phd program — a PhD thesis requires a more extensive literature review than an MPhil thesis discipline — analyse well-written examples from your discipline to learn the conventions for content and structure.
Methods A possible structure for your methods section is to include an introduction that provides a justification and explanation of the methodological approach you chose, followed by relevant sub-sections. Some thesis sections phd sub-sections of a methods chapter include: Design Participants Materials Procedures. Regardless of structure, the methods section should explain: how you collected and analysed your data — thesis sections phd only need to include enough detail that another expert in the field could repeat what you've done you don't have to detail field standard techniques or tests why you chose to collect specific data how this data will help you to answer your research questions why you chose the approach you went with.
Results or findings You may want to present your results separately to your discussion. If so, use the results section to: specify the data you collected and how it was were thesis sections phd for analysis describe the data analysis e, thesis sections phd. define the type of statistical test that was applied to the data describe the outcome of the analysis present a summary and descriptive statistics in a table or graph.
Use tables and figures effectively Reports usually include tables, graphs and other graphics to present data and supplement the text.
To learn how to design and use these elements effectively, see our guides to: incorporating tables, figures, statistics and equations PDF, 1. Discussion Use the discussion section to: comment on your results and explain what they mean compare, contrast and relate your results back to theory or the findings of other studies identify and explain any unexpected results identify any limitations to your research and any questions that your research was unable to answer discuss the significance or implications of your results.
Conclusion Use the conclusion section to: emphasise that you've met your research aims summarise the main findings of your research restate the limitations of your research and make suggestions for further research. Thesis writing tips Structuring your thesis.
Book an appointment How a Learning Adviser can help. Further support Writing a clear and engaging research paper Thesis and dissertation writing: an examination of published advice and actual practice Scientific writing Graduate research and writing. ABN : 63 CRICOS Provider No: B. Emergency Phone:
How to do a Literature Review - Step by Step - PhD Thesis Writing
, time: 30:38Order and Components - Thesis and Dissertation Guide - UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate School

How to structure a dissertation Deciding on your dissertation’s structure. Not all dissertations are structured exactly the same – the form your Title page. The very first page of your document contains your dissertation’s title, your name, department, institution, Acknowledgements. The This is for PhD students working on a qualitative thesis who have completed their data collection and analysis and are at the stage of writing up. The materials should also be useful if you are writing up a ‘mixed-methods’ thesis, including chapters of analysis and discussion of qualitative data Checklist Outlining Chapters of a PhD Thesis Completing the Abstract. The abstract is typically the last part of the project that you will complete. The abstract Acknowledgements. The acknowledgements can be completed at any point in the process of writing a PhD thesis, but it The Introduction
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