Jun 25, · The benefits of modern technology in helping students learn more information and learn it quickly is undeniable. However, drawbacks of modern technology are concerned by opponents at the same time. That is students have become lazy and less active due to spending too much time in front of those modern devices, especially computer, and lacking of sports blogger.coms: 1 Jul 14, · Technology, as most everything in this world, has its potential gain and its drawback. The potential gain can be viewed as the innovative great. Advances in the technology field permit us to get things done considerably more effectively than at any other time/5(40) Feb 28, · Technology. Nowadays there is increased use of technology to control and monitor not only people’s actions but also what they are saying. Most of the time, people do not know that they have been tracked through their mobile phones or security cameras. In my opinion, the disadvantages of using technology in this way outweigh the advantages because this can lead to excessive control from Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Is Technology Good or Bad - Free Essay Example | blogger.com
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. After the Industrial Revolution, human beings came to a new era, which has brought about a drastic change to the whole world in all aspects of life, noticeably in the technological field, whose progress has been by leaps and bounds, and made what formerly believed impossible become a possible.
It technology good or bad essay obvious that there is a rush toward modern technology for teaching as well as learning nowadays. Learners, especially students have been very quick at embracing technology as the means to reach the most up-dated information in order to open themselves to the world as well as to see how the world touches them. Accordingly, with the help of modern technology, students can learn more information and learn it more quickly.
The first easiest access to information that most students can get is the radio. Since its existence, together with newspaper, radio has helped bring a considerable source of information to mankind, technology good or bad essay.
Whereas, without it, he or she may have to wait for days to see the news to appear in the newspaper. Similarly, with its broader influence, television provides students with a wide choice of various informative programmes as well as educational ones, for example, a live speech by the President at a National University; a famine in a Third World country stealing thousands of lives; or a scientific experiment being carried out in a spacecraft in outer-space.
Taking a relaxing posture in his or her armchair, a student not only can learn but also sees pictures of the events, which are taking place at the same time miles away. This is completely an technology good or bad essay thing in those days when the delivery of news had to depend on horses.
Just by a mouse click, students can have a tremendous amount of information downloaded and transferred onto their computers every bit of time. What they have to do is simply sort out information in order of their interest. Furthermore, computer is a significant means, which provides students the chances to update their knowledge each second from the incredible source of information available on the net.
The benefits of modern technology in helping students learn more information and learn it quickly is undeniable. However, drawbacks of modern technology are concerned by opponents at the same time. That is students have become lazy and less active due to spending too much time in front of those modern devices, especially computer, and lacking of sports activities. The most likely problems are to develop are bad eyesight and obesity. Besides that, some sources of information on the internet are unreliable.
Students may come across deceptive or corrupting sites, which may have bad impact on their behaviour and perception. Nonetheless, technology good or bad essay, all these matters can be avoided by setting up a proper timetable in exploring the world of information and participating in outdoor activities.
The choice of reliable websites as well as TV channels should be paid great attention so that students can happily learn and keep pace with the world of information.
Modern technology has become technology good or bad essay universal that almost all aspects of life are within its reach. Apparently, with the help of modern technology, students are learning more information and learn it more quickly.
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Pages: Word count: Category: Science Technology. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now. Computer Science. Scientific Method, technology good or bad essay. Advantages Of Technology. Artificial Intelligence. Cell Phone. Cloud Computing. Disadvantages Of Technology. Graphic Design. We can write a custom essay According to Your Specific Requirements Order an essay.
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45. Is technology good or bad?
, time: 3:06Technology Good Or Bad, Sample of Essays

Jun 25, · The benefits of modern technology in helping students learn more information and learn it quickly is undeniable. However, drawbacks of modern technology are concerned by opponents at the same time. That is students have become lazy and less active due to spending too much time in front of those modern devices, especially computer, and lacking of sports blogger.coms: 1 Feb 28, · Technology. Nowadays there is increased use of technology to control and monitor not only people’s actions but also what they are saying. Most of the time, people do not know that they have been tracked through their mobile phones or security cameras. In my opinion, the disadvantages of using technology in this way outweigh the advantages because this can lead to excessive control from Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins People very often debate whether technology is good or bad. Many people believe that technology can only cause harm to their lives and society, while many others strongly defend the technologies which have made their lives much more leisurely and enriching than it Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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