This paper develops a general service sector model of repurchase intention from the consumer theory literature. A key contribution of the structural equation model is the incorporation of customer We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. The initial step is always left to the client which is making a decision to entrust your paper with our experts Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research published since , is an international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de Talca, published quarterly by MDPI from Volume 16, Issue 3 ().. Open Access — free to download, share, and reuse content. Authors receive recognition for their contribution when the paper is reused
The purpose of this paper is to explain the difference and connection between the network big data analysis technology and the psychological empirical research method. This study analyzed the data from laboratory setting first, then the online sales data from Taobao. com to explore how the influential factors, such as online reviews positive vs negative mainlyrisk perception higher vs lower and product types experiencing vs searchinginteracted on the online purchase intention or online purchase behavior.
Compared with traditional research methods, such as questionnaire and behavioral experiment, network big data analysis has significant advantages in terms of sample size, data objectivity, timeliness and ecological validity.
Future study may consider the strategy of using complementary methods and combining both data-driven and theory-driven approaches in research design to provide suggestions for the research paper on purchase intention consumers of e-commence in the era of big data. Zhang, J. and Wang, S. Copyright ©Jinghuan Zhang, Wenfeng Zheng and Shan Wang. Published in International Journal of Crowd Science. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited.
This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article for both commercial and non-commercial purposessubject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The development of e-commerce and the popularity of the internet, more and more people are accustomed to online shopping, they choose to buy commodities and services what they need on online.
According to a report on January Online purchasing has become the main form of daily consumption. According to a survey report, These reviews, as feed-backs of buyers, research paper on purchase intention consumers, largely affect the purchase intention or purchase behavior of potential consumers.
Thus, online reviews can serve as a promising data source to predict online purchase behavior. In addition, the risk perception of online purchase when faced a buying situation, a consumer perceives a certain degree of risk involved in choice of a particular research paper on purchase intention consumers and how to buy it also affects the purchase intention or decision Sun et al.
Of course, the impact of this information on purchase intentions will be different which also depending on the type of commodities. Consumption of some commodities is common, while others have personal characteristics, making the impact of online reviews and perceived risk different.
Most of the methods adopted to first propose research hypotheses under the guidance of theories or based on existing studies, and then test research paper on purchase intention consumers hypotheses under strictly controlled experimental conditions in the laboratory. For example, manipulate the proportion of positive online reviews, risk level and commodity types to explore the purchase intentions under these conditions, and then draw causal research conclusions.
The biggest advantage of psychological behavioral research in the laboratory is repeatability, can withstand repeated tests and can get causal inferences.
However, it tracks commodities. For example, the actual sales volume of different types of commodities can be seen by the proportion of positive online reviews and risk perception level of commodities.
Researchers can obtain a large amount of consumption data, without having to collect it with great effort. At the same time, these data are real, real-time, and can be verified repeatedly. However, the conclusion is based on correlation analysis and is about the correlation between the variables.
The reasons behind the inference are not clear. Meanwhile, this kind of studies are the research about the commodity rather than the persons who do the purchase. This study attempts to use two research methods and compare the differences between them from the perspective of methodology, research paper on purchase intention consumers, and hope to put forward a new method to combine theory-driven with data-driven to study crowd science, with the aim of improving efficiency of the transaction, making all parties involved in the transaction taking full advantage of the online information to meet their needs.
The goal of scientific psychology is to understand human behavior. Behavioral experiment method is mainly used by researchers to manipulate or design different experimental conditions and observe the differences of behavioral results of subjects under different experimental conditions, so as to test whether the experimental conditions have significant influence on the results. The main advantages of this method are: Causality can be discussed.
As the experimental method controls the influence of other irrelevant factors, it can be reasonably trusted to determine whether the difference in behavior results is caused by experimental conditions i. independent variablesresearch paper on purchase intention consumers, so as to make causal inference. In view of the importance of causality in research, research paper on purchase intention consumers, experimental method also occupies an important position in scientific methodology.
Repeatability and verifiability. Experimental conditions of experimental method are designed by researchers in advance, so researchers have strong initiative and control. In particular, behavioral experiments have strict experimental design requirements and implementation procedures, and detailed disclosure is also made about the selection of experimental subjects, measurement tools and methods of all indicators or variables, and specific operational procedures.
Therefore, the experimental method has good repeatability and testability. An online review is a positive, neutral or negative statement, which is created by a future, actual or former consumer about a commodity or a company, and made available to the public through the internet. A growing number of researchers begin to focus on the relationship between quality of online reviews and the purchase intention.
Consumers tend to observe the proportion of positive and negative online reviews as well. The more positive reviews lead to the stronger purchase intention Zheng, However, consumers place greater emphasis on negative information in deciding to purchase Senecal and Nantel, Negative impulses research paper on purchase intention consumers more attention and act as stronger stimuli than positive ones.
When a potential consumer is exposed to a large number of negative online reviews, research paper on purchase intention consumers, a negative expectation of the commodity is formed Chen et al. There is copious commodity classifications associated with online reviews.
A frequently used classification is that of search and experience commodities, which is used by researchers to evaluate consumer purchase intention Nelson, A search commodity is one where information on commodity attributes is easily obtained by consumers without having to make a purchase in advance Hao et al.
Therefore, the information obtained in a search commodity is usually objective and easily compared with other similar commodities, cameras, cell phones and computers being common examples Li and Ren, research paper on purchase intention consumers, On the other hand, an experience commodity is a commodity whose attributes are difficult to obtain. Consumers frequently want to feel and experience the commodity prior to any assessment.
Thus, information pertaining to these commodities is mostly subjective, and evaluations conducted are based on previous experience Hao et al. Typical examples of experience commodities are hotels, airlines, restaurants and other services Lim et al.
Consumers behave quite differently when looking for information on these two types of commodities: they tend to seek more information on other reviews concerning an experience commodity than on a search commodity Schlosser, However, some studies have pointed out that consumers are more dependent on the information provided by online reviews when purchasing search commodities Brodie et al.
The results of previous studies on the relationship between commodity types and purchase intention are not consistent, research paper on purchase intention consumers. Therefore, this study would explore how commodity types affect purchase behavior in the real online shopping context. When faced a buying situation, a consumer perceives a research paper on purchase intention consumers degree of risk involved in choice of a particular brand and how to buy it.
Bauer first introduced the perceived risk concept to consumer behavior research to explain such phenomena as information seeking, brand loyalty, opinion leaders, reference research paper on purchase intention consumers and pre-purchase deliberations Bei et al.
Perceived risk is a fundamental concept in consumer behavior that implies that consumers experience pre-purchase uncertainty as to the type and degree of expected loss resulting from the purchase and use of a commodity Ma, Among them, risk perception is the most influential factor.
Previous studies have found that risk perception is negatively correlated with purchase intention Zhao and Ji, perceived privacy risk Yu, Therefore, this study aims to explore how network risk perception influences purchase behavior in the network shopping context. In addition, more data is available for the consumers from multiple sources including social network platforms. Research paper on purchase intention consumers behavior analysis is concerned with the study of inter actions among the consumers, commodities and operations such as purchasing, saving, brand choice, etc.
Moreover, consumers are no longer what they used to be, research paper on purchase intention consumers. So, more insights information is necessary for analyzing a consumer behavior. In this aspect, Big Data has become a central role for making data driven decision making processes. However, there is no recognized concept to define the big data Dodds, Big data is usually considered as the data set that cannot be transmitted, accessed, processed and served in an endurable time period by existing communication and network systems Li et al.
The typical steps involved in studying big data sets: data preprocessing, dimensionality reduction and construction of predictive models. There is an abundance of methods that can be used to build prediction models based on large data sets, ranging from relatively sophisticated approaches, such as deep learning, neural networks, probabilistic graphical models or support vector machines, to much simpler approaches, such as linear and logistic regressions. In the explanatory approach to science, the ultimate goal is to develop a mechanistic model of the data-generating research paper on purchase intention consumers that gives rise to the observed data.
Then, combined with psychological empirical methods, research paper on purchase intention consumers, how should we view psychological research based on big data analysis technology? Unfortunately, there is still very little systematic thinking on the methodology perspective of network big data psychology. To explain the difference and connection between the network big data analysis technology and the psychological empirical research method, this study analyzed the data from laboratory setting first, then the online sales data from Taobao.
com to explore how the influential factors, such as online reviews positive vs negative mainlyrisk perception higher vs lower and commodity types experiencing vs searchinginteracted on the online purchase intention or online purchase behavior. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of consumer online reviews and commodity types on purchase intention by simulating online purchase behavior from the laboratory setting. We randomly sampled students from Shandong Normal University and The mean age of the participants was The dependent variable is consumer purchase intention.
Four psychological researchers selected USB flash disk, earphone and sound as search commodities, and clothing, facial cleanser and shoes as experience commodities. This study was carried out in a quiet context. The subjects were asked to imagine themselves in the network shopping situation and assumed that they are going to buy a commodity.
Then the subjects were presented the information of commodity pictures and online reviews. After they read the experimental materials, they were asked to fill in the purchase intention scale. We adopted the purchase intention scale modified by Ma We performed statistical analyses with online reviews and commodity types as the independent variables, the dependent variable as consumer purchase intention. The results are shown in Table I. The interaction between online reviews and commodity types is significant positively influence purchase intention.
Study 1 found that online reviews and commodity types provided a significant association with online purchase intention. In the context of high ratio of positive review, the online purchase intention of experience commodities is significantly higher than that of search commodities.
There is no significant difference in purchase intention between search research paper on purchase intention consumers and experience commodities in the context of high ratio of negative reviews. Studies have found that risk perception is negatively correlated with consumer online purchase intention, and the higher consumer risk perception is, the lower their purchase intention will be Chatterjee, research paper on purchase intention consumers, ; Zheng,
MAREACM Research Paper: Disability-inclusive Consumers
, time: 15:01We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. The initial step is always left to the client which is making a decision to entrust your paper with our experts Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research published since , is an international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de Talca, published quarterly by MDPI from Volume 16, Issue 3 ().. Open Access — free to download, share, and reuse content. Authors receive recognition for their contribution when the paper is reused This paper develops a general service sector model of repurchase intention from the consumer theory literature. A key contribution of the structural equation model is the incorporation of customer
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