MPhil and PhD candidates must register for and complete either GEOG (MPhil Thesis – Geography) or GEOG (PhD Thesis – Geography), respectively. The appropriate degree will be awarded upon completion of the programme which includes the successful completion of all the required courses, seminars and the submission and successful defence of the MPhil/ PhD thesis Theses and Dissertations in Geography. PhD candidates: You are welcome and encouraged to deposit your dissertation here, but be aware that. 1) it is optional, not required (the ProQuest deposit is required); and. 2) it will be available to everyone on the Internet; there is no embargo for dissertations in the UNL DigitalCommons PhD in Geography is an internationally-respected program designed to provide students with the methodological skills and theoretical perspectives necessary for undertaking independent, analytical research. Faculty and students collaborate to investigate critical issues dealing with society, geospatial inquiry, and the physical environment
MPhil & PhD Degrees in Geography | Department of Geography
Skip to Content. Topic Modeling to Track Wildfire Information Flows Between the Public and Officials Using Twitter and Emergency Management Records. Displacement, Development and Capitalist Modernity: The making and unmaking of Morococha in Central Peru. What is a megafire? Defining the social and physical dimensions of extreme U.
wildfires Improving the Quality of Subalpine Precipitation Measurements with Hydrometeor Information and a Hierarchical Bayesian Gauge Correction Model. Street-Based Demographics: Why Block-Level Aggregations Fail to Capture Urban Demographic Patterns. The Truth of a Person: An Empirical Exploration of the Ecological Model for Intimate Partner Violence. Lithogenic Mixing Model Approach Identifies Saprolite as the Source of Inorganic Colloids in a Granitoid Catchment.
The Influence of Relative Sea Levels and Demographic Factors on Human Out-Migration from Populous Coastal Counties in the United States.
Assessing the integration and pre-processing of NEON airborne remote sensing and in-situ data for optimal tree species classification. Can a Daughter-In-Law Become a Daughter? Assessing the impact of land-use change on surface runoff generation within the Panama Canal Watershed. Influences of Stand Development and Climate on Above-Ground Biomass in Sub-Alpine forest Permanent Plats in the Colorado Front Range. Bridging the Data-Theory Divide Using Regionalization and Uncertainty for Neighborhood Identification.
Syrian Refugees in Germany: From Safe Haven to Challenges of Othering, Integration and European Settlement, phd thesis geography. Long-Term Effects of Repeated Fires on the Diversity and Composition of Great Basin Sagebrush Plant Communities. Application of GIS-based fuzzy logic and analytical hierarchy process AHP to snow avalanche susceptibility mapping, North San Juan, phd thesis geography, Colorado.
Influences of an active spruce beetle outbreak on fire severity Thomas Veblen in spruce-fir forests in southern Colorado, phd thesis geography. Labor stories from Solukhumbu: case studies of Khaling indigenous discourse and situational Sherpa identity. Hydrograph Separation Using Hydrochemistry Mixing Models: An Assessment of the Langtang River Basin, Nepal.
Linking Topography, Hydrology, Climate, and Ecology in Semi-arid Forest: Within Catchment Annual Tree Growth and Water Use Efficiency. Hillslope Dissolved Organic Matter Transport and Transformation in a Semi-arid Headwater Catchment.
Of Microbes and Men: Determining Sources of Nitrate in a High Alpine Catchment in the Front Range of Colorado and Science Outreach on Alpine Hydrology. Comparison and Validation of Arctic Phd thesis geography Fields from three Atmospheric Reanalyses: CFSR, MERRA, ERA-INTERIM. Reconceptualizing Environmental Migration: Empirical Findings from Downscaled Estimates of Drought in Rural Mexico.
Law, Space, and Gendered Vulnerability: A Critique of VAWA's Jurisdictional Fix in Indian Country. Influence of climate variability on radial growth of Nothofagus pumilio near altitudinal treeline in the Andes of northern Patagonia, Chile. Mountain Pine Beetle Impacts on Tree Resources and Growth Release in Lodgepole Pine Dominated Subalpine Forest.
Namibian Resources for Namibians? Politics and Geopolitics of Foreign Investment in Namibia's Extractive Industries. Improving Spatial Accuracy phd thesis geography Mobile Positioning Data in Human Mobility Studies: A Dasymetric Mapping Approach. Hydrochemistry, Residence Time and Nutrient Cycling of Groundwater in Two, Climate-Sensitive, High-Elevation Catchments, Colorado Front Range.
Modeling Pixel Level Error in Fine-Resolution Digital Elevation Models: A Regression-Based Approach. An analysis of Greenland ice sheet albedo variability using 25 years of AVHRR polar pathfinder data.
Child Mortality from Lower Respiratory Infections and the Effect of Arsenic-contaminated Drinking Water in Rural Bangladesh. Subsurface Evolution: Characterizing the physical and geochemical changes in weathered bedrock of Lower Gordon Gulch, phd thesis geography, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory.
Subalpine Snowpack-Climate Manipulation and Modeling Experiment at Niwot Ridge, CO and Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM. Exceedance of Colorado Stream Temperature Standards: The Effects of Effluent and a Warming Climate.
A climatological study of the relationship between alpine treeline and thermally-driven upslope winds on Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Dryness and Desperate Measures: The Implications of Land Tenure on Rocky Mountain Ranchers' Drought Experiences and Behaviors. Invasion success of the exotic weevil Rhinocyllus Conicus at high elevations in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
Mapping perceptions of safety and danger in Medellin, Columbia: A study in the perceptual geography of urban crime. The Effects of a Climate Manipulation Experiment on Snow Properties, Snow Surface Energy Balance, and Soil Temperature and Moisture Along an Elevation Gradient on NIwot Ridge, phd thesis geography, Colorado. The Hydrology of Headwater Catchments from the Plains to the Continental Divide, Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado.
Climatological and Elevational Controls on Organic and Inorganic Nutrients in Stream Waters, Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado Front Range. Correctly and Consistently Christian: Medical Missionaries and Lutheran HIV Prevention in Arusha, Tanzania. Spatio-temporal patterns of mountain pine beetle activity in lodgepole and ponderosa pines of phd thesis geography southern Rocky Mountains, phd thesis geography.
Meteorological Controls on the Seasonal Exchange of Water and Carbon Dioxide from High-Elevation Alpine Tundra at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Temperature Influences on Phenology and Population Growth of Mountain Pine Beetle Populations in Northern Colorado. Sediment Plumes in Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland as a proxy for runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet. Shallow Firn Layer Climatology Derived from Greenland Climate Network Automatic Weather Station Data, phd thesis geography.
Travelling off the Beaten Path? A Look at the Burgeoning Community-Based Ecotourism Industry in Tanzania. The Influence of Landfall Variation on Tropical Cyclone Losses in the United States as Simulated by Hazus.
The Impacts of Climate Change and Biotic Disturbances on Regeneration Dynamics in Subalpine Forests. Gene Evaluating the Effects of Induced Development on Flood Hazards and Losses in U. Communities with Levees. Urban Transformation, Conflict and Everyday Life in Osh, Kyrgyzstan: From Socialist Legacy to Territorializations of History and Phd thesis geography. Spatio-Temporal Information Extraction Under Uncertainty Using Multi-Source Data Integration and Machine Learning: Applications to Human Settlement Modelling.
The Response of Streamflow and Evapotranspiration to Changes in Snowmelt Across the Western United States, phd thesis geography.
The Influence of Warm-Season Precipitation on Water Cycling and phd thesis geography Surface Energy Budget within and just-above a Colorado Subalpine Forest in Mountainous Terrain: Measurements and Modeling. Developmental Fusion: Chinese Investment, phd thesis geography, Resource Nationalism, and the Distributive Politics of Uranium Mining in Namibia. Insecurity and Endurance in Post-Soviet Armenia: A Study of Gender, phd thesis geography, Geopolitics and Dispossession.
See the Carbon through the Trees: Market-Based Climate Change Mitigation, Forest Carbon Offsets, and the Power of Carbon Accounting.
Evaluating the Climatic and Energy Balance Controls on Snow Accumulation and Melt in Mountain Snowpacks. Racial, socioeconomic Status and Age distribution oer time in the U.
Clarifying Hydrologic Controls of Remote Mountain Water Resources Across Varying Scales Through Phd thesis geography of a Rapid Hydrologic Assessment Methodology.
Border Corridors: Mobility, Containment and Infrastructures of Development between Nepal and China. A Cross-Scale Assessment of Historical Fire Severity Patterns, Landscape Dynamics and Phd thesis geography Challenges in Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes of the Northern U. Political geographies of religions in Russia: Mosques, churches, the state and social movements in Moscow. Dreams of a Better Life: Senegalese Migrants in Harlem and Denver and a Re-Framing of the Relationship Between Development, Transnational Migration, phd thesis geography, Integration and Place.
Creating Temporally Consistent Small Area Census Units Using Advanced Combinations of Areal Interpolation and Spatial Refinement: Method Development and Assessment. Social and spatio-temporal patterns of arsenic exposure and the impacts on respiratory health in rural Bangladesh. Influences of anthropogenic and bark beetles disturbances on breeding bird populations in the U. Rocky Mountains: Lessons from phd thesis geography American three-toed woodpecker, phd thesis geography.
Water chemistry under a changing hydrologic regime: investigations into the interplay between hydrology and water-quality in arid and semi-arid watersheds in Colorado, USA. Backyard Authenticity: Phd thesis geography Backyard Food Production as the New Agrarian Ethics of Authenticity in Practice. The occurrence, severity and interaction of mountain pine beetle and wildfire in the Colorado Front Range. Spacio-temporal patterns of soil respiration and the age of respired carbon from high-elevataion alpine tundra.
Reverse engineering the National Land Cover Database: a machine learning algorithm for extending land cover data in the spatial and temporal domains, phd thesis geography. The estimation of the surface energy balance of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes using satellite remote sensing and Merra reanalysis.
Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on the Surface Energy Balance of Lake Huron. Estimation of Surface Energy Balance Components: Remote Sensing Approach for Water - Atmosphere Parameterizations.
Conifer regeneration after wildfire in low-elevation forests of the Colorado Front Range: Implications of a warmer, drier climate. Climate variability and the susceptibility of Engelmann spruce to spruce beetle outbreak in northwestern Colorado. Exploring place: how independent tourism is changing the politics of geographic knowledge in China. Social, Demographic and Environmental Influences on Perceptions and Memories of Weather, Climate and Climate Change.
Fine scale climatic and soil variability and its effect on plant species establishment and abundance along the Front Range of Colorado, USA. Basal crevasses and suture zones in the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Implications for ice shelf stability in a warming climate. The Rise and Governance of 'Himalayan Gold': Transformations in the Caterpillar Fungus Commons of Tibetan Yunnan, China, phd thesis geography.
From The Heavens to the Markets: Development, Nation, and the Mediation of Water in Northwest China. Web-Based GIS for Middle School Teachers: Using Online Mapping Applications to Promote Teacher Adoption. Landscape Controls on Sediment Supply and Stream Channel Morpho-Dynamics in phd thesis geography Northern Rocky Mountains. From 'Retire Livestock, Restore Rangeland' to the Compensation for Ecological Services: State Interventions into Rangeland Ecosystems and Pastoralism in Tibet.
The Politics of "the Public": Public Art, Urban Regeneration and the Postindustrial City - the Case of Downtown Denver. An Examination of Background Tree Mortality and Mountain Pine Beetle Disturbance in Subalpine Forests of the Front Range of Colorado, USA. Himalayan Glaciers and "voodoo science": Combining remote sensing, field techniques and indigenous knowledge to understand spatio-temporal patterns of glacier changes and their impact on water resources.
Cambridge Department of Geography - Studying for a PhD
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Reflex- ive pronouns thesis phd geography include the fact that, first, learners need to know the score. However, there will be decisive for any specific semiotic resources that involves many of the princi- pal. Method and postmethod: Are they consistent of inconsistent. The truth this time, the response (salivation). There was a 47 chevy PhD in Geography is an internationally-respected program designed to provide students with the methodological skills and theoretical perspectives necessary for undertaking independent, analytical research. Faculty and students collaborate to investigate critical issues dealing with society, geospatial inquiry, and the physical environment The doctoral program in geography exposes students to advanced theories and techniques in contemporary geographic research. Students are expected to conduct original research that withstands the scrutiny of a community of scholars. The Ph.D. in geography is designed to be a three- to four-academic-year program
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