A summary of Part X (Section7) in Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans Puns in Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. Though Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, or a play in which the characters suffer extreme loss or misfortune, Shakespeare included numerous puns.A pun is a play on Feb 12, · For instance, the main character in the film Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie, while struggling with depression, is allowed to show emotion and does not try to just fit into the dominant culture. The friends he develops throughout the film, both male and female, allow him to be his own person and deal with the myriad of emotions that any
The Perks of Being a Wallflower Part 4, continued, and Epilogue Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes
This report was conducted by Chloe Beighley and Jeff Smith, perks of being a wallflower essay. For a more updated version of gender representation in films, see our study of films from This is the first of several reports based on our investigation of Hollywood films in In this report we looked at gender representation, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Part of our analysis looked at represented by extreme gender roles, some by gender parity and other films by extreme gender inequalities.
Our analysis looks at films by genres, with some concluding remarks about gender roles and examples of male and female characters that were less objectified and represented gender roles that were more human or outside of the narrow gender roles of most films. A perks of being a wallflower essay is worth 1, words. The above picture really only needs two words to describe it: gender inequality.
Five men standing, preparing to protect the city of New York from being wiped off the map, and there is one woman with them. She is dressed in a suit that perfectly forms to her curves, as to appear appealing, and she armed with the smallest weapon. This is how women are portrayed in cinema. We looked at a total of 72 of the top films from for the larger film study. The above graphic represents the lead characters of 67 of those films.
Of the 67 films, 55 of the lead characters were male, and only 12 of the characters were female. That number of females includes the films in which we considered the gender roles to be equal.
This is a huge misrepresentation of women in the world, and especially in the media, and only furthers gender stereotypes in the United States. For the analysis part we only included 53 of the 72 films. Looking at the 53 films listed at the end in the category of gender representation, we see that the majority of characters were male, and only 7 were female. This further proves that men still dominate the cinema and gender is continually misrepresented in cinema and in films.
Men are seen as the protectors, the saviors, the breadwinners, and the know-alls. Women are constantly being misrepresented in these films, shown for purposes of objectification, support of the male characters, and mostly as love interests that drive the male characters.
In the few movies where we see strong lead female characters, we also see them having the support of at least one male who is involved in their situation in some way where the female ends up needing their help, perks of being a wallflower essay. We very rarely see any breaks in stereotypical gender roles.
Women in cinema, even in their action roles, are portrayed in a way that objectifies them, even if that is not the end goal of their role. There were plenty of films where women were presented in stereotypical roles, which we would define as stereotypes that perpetuate gender roles within a male-dominated system.
In these roles women are overtly perks of being a wallflower essay, have weak character, lack confidence, have an identity that is tied to a man or need to be saved by a man. One example is how women are portrayed in the film Project X. One of the lead male characters has a friend who is female. They flirt on perks of being a wallflower essay off before the party, but want to hook up at the party.
Instead, the male character, played by Thomas Mann, ends up with another woman at one point. The girlfriend walks in on them, runs away, only to forgive him later and be by his side after the fallout from the party devastation. In addition, there are scenes all throughout the film during the party, where some of the high school girls in attendance are topless around and in the pool. This kind of casual hypersexual depiction does not take place with male characters, thus normalizing the objectification of female bodies.
There were other films that fit this genre of movies that cater to high school and college age audiences, where the gender roles are hyper-sexualized. In the film 21 Jump Street, the two male lead characters played by Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, are cops that go undercover in a high school to thwart illegal drug dealing.
Both Tatum and Hill play hyper-masculine roles, with Tatum being the eye-candy and Hill playing a character that wants to relive his high school years, be accepted by the cool kids and get the girl. There are several different party scenes where women are objectified, but throughout the film both lead male characters use language that is both over the top and dismissive of women.
Such movies present men as stuck in a permanent state of adolescence, where men never mature perks of being a wallflower essay beyond puberty and women are available purely for male pleasure.
Other films that perpetuated this permanent state of male adolescence were American Reunionwhere five male friends try to re-live their high school sex fantasies when attending their 10 year high school reunion.
Negative male behavior is normalized in numerous scenes, but the most egregious is when a group of men go to a strip club as part of a bachelor party. One last example of films that normalize male adolescent behavior was the movie Ted. Ted exemplifies the permanent state of adolescence that men are encouraged to embrace in this culture. Superhero Category. In this film we are seeing a new type of heroine who defies gender stereotypes in cinema. She is not a victim, she is not passive, she is not cold.
In terms of romantic interests, she is caught between her best friend at home, and another contestant in the games with her. However, she is not sexualized with either character until she and Peeta kiss, which was only prompted by her trainer, perks of being a wallflower essay. The thought process being that people watching the Games would begin to support her if she and Peeta looked as though they were falling in love, essentially sex sells.
The scene also shows her love interest whom is not participating in the Games watching the kiss on TV. This adds drama to the scene, essentially, conflict sells. These are themes that we are seeing over and over in movies being released today. Generally, in superhero movies, the gender roles are stereotypical. There is a man who comes to save the woman from peril and is deemed a hero. We are seeing the same amount of gender stereotypes in the superhero genre films that were released innamely, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider Man, Snow White and the Huntsman, and The Dark Knight Rises.
In The Avengers we see a collaboration of superheroes who are trying to protect the world from a super villain. In this instance, there was not a woman that needed protection, however, we still see stereotypical gender roles.
The men are all fighting for control of the situation, each claiming to have the best solution to the problems they face. On the same level, they are trying to undermine the other male characters with snide comments. The main female character, the Black Widow, fights on the same level as the men do, an area we see a small amount of gender equity in the film. However, she is still very sexualized. When we first meet her character, she is playing the role of a prostitute, and is extremely scantily dressed.
She is also the only character in the film that cries on screen. Additionally, there are undertones of a romantic relationship with another character. We see romantic relationships with nearly all of the characters in the film, however, her relationship is not spoken about, and therefore given more clout.
In The Amazing Spider Man we see the common role between Peter Parker and his love interest, in this movie, Gwen, named differently in other Spider Man films. They are schoolmates, then she grows to become a bit of a love perks of being a wallflower essay, there is heavy flirting as he pursues her, and then some romantic kissing.
They hide their relationship from her father, which adds a sense of danger or tabooness to their relationship, and of course, in the end, he does save her life, and comes home to her.
We see very stereotypical gender roles in superhero films in this film. In Snow White and the Huntsman the clash of two poignant traditional characters, Snow White and the Evil Queen and their fight for beauty. Snow White is not overly sexualized, she is trying to portray a stronger female heroine. Similarly, in their fight for beauty, the judgement of who is the fairest in the kingdom comes from a male, the mirror on the wall, so the Evil Queen fights to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom based on male opinion.
The Evil Queen is highly sexualized. We see her going naked into a bath, and then emerging from that bath naked, covered in a white substance.
Similarly, we see her in her bed, and her night clothes, as she kills the king. In The Dark Knight Rises there are two strong female characters, Catwoman and villain Miranda Tate. While both of these women demonstrate courage and confidence, they are not independent of men.
Miranda Tate deceives Bruce Wayne and sleeps with him. She is with the villain Bane and owes her life to him. The Catwoman character is often represented as being selfish and wanting her own freedom. Both Miranda Perks of being a wallflower essay and the Catwoman character fall into the familiar pattern of being either defined by men or saved by them.
There are other films that have male heroes as the central character, perks of being a wallflower essay, such as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Dredd, John Carter, Men in Black 3, Skyfall, Taken 2, perks of being a wallflower essay, The Bourne Legacy, The Expendables 2, The Grey, The Hobbit, The Man with the Iron First, The Raven, The Woman in Black, Total Recall and Wrath of the Titans.
In each of these perks of being a wallflower essay, the men are clearly the saviors, the heroes, the focus of the plot. When female characters do appear in these films, it is primarily to be saved. There are some strong willed women in some of these movies, such as the female Judge in Dredd, who is an apprentice and another woman who is the drug lord, but clearly cast as a villain. In this group of films most women are saved or merely play the role as the girlfriend, perks of being a wallflower essay, wife or love interest.
Rarely, do we see women the primary protagonist, as in the films Resident Evil: Retribution, Prometheus and Underworld: Awakening. In Prometheus, it is the female scientist who keeps a level head and is able to survive, whereas all the male experts were fooled or gave into personal gain.
In President Evil and Underworld, the lead females characters are strong and confident, but one is a vampire who is looking for her male partner and the lead female character in Resident Evil is often sexualized by the way she is dressed. In the animated movie, Brave, we see a young female character trying to defy social norms by not getting married, and the struggle that ensues with another female character, her mother.
The girl goes on a perks of being a wallflower essay with her mother, which is a result of her desire to not be married. The young girl is both headstrong and rash in the beginning of the movie, focusing on her weaponry and adventuring. By the end of the movie, she has become both more understanding of others and a caring daughter. Frankenweeniecreated by Tim Burton, portrayed the classic Frankenstein tale with a bit of a twist, perks of being a wallflower essay.
A young boy who loves his dog is suffering when the dog is suddenly hit by a car. Using the lessons he learned in science class, perks of being a wallflower essay, he resurrects his dog. The boy of course has a young love interest, and she is stuck with her creepy uncle while her parents are gone, creating a friendship between the two. Hotel Transylvania does not have a singular main character, however, it heavily focuses on the overprotective father and his teenaged daughter.
The other characters in the hotel are family characters as well, and we are not seeing anything out of the ordinary in terms of gender in this film.
The daughter wants to roam free and learn about the world, her overbearing father says no, and then a love interest comes to stay at the hotel.
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A summary of Part X (Section7) in Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans Feb 12, · For instance, the main character in the film Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie, while struggling with depression, is allowed to show emotion and does not try to just fit into the dominant culture. The friends he develops throughout the film, both male and female, allow him to be his own person and deal with the myriad of emotions that any Aug 28, · The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky So much of high school is about hanging out with friends: there’s a lot of time to kill, and maybe you don’t want to go home, so you just sort of drive around and do stuff. This is where Chbosky’s book shines—those quiet moments of sitting around and making profound connections with
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