Jun 21, · Divine Impassibility: An Essay in Philosophical Theology. Divine Impassibility.: Richard E. Creel. Wipf and Stock Publishers, Jun 21, - Religion - pages. 0 Bibliographies: In this volume, Richard Creel sets forth a thesis that offers a third way to approach divine impassibility. Defining impassibility as imperviousness to causal influence from external factors, Creel sketches a path between Aquinas and Hartshorne, by asserting that once this definition is accepted, one must still distinguish the various respects in which God is or is not blogger.com by: 22 Divine Impassibility traces the issue of classical sources, relates the positions of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century books, and surveys the writings of contemporary British analytic philosophers such as Peter Geach, Anthony Kenny, Richard Swinburne, John Hick, and H. P. Owen, American analytic philosophers such as Norman Kretzmann, Eleonore Stump, Nelson Pike, Robert Adams, and Bruce Reichenbach, and process philosophers such as Charles Hartshorne and Lewis Ford
Richard E. Creel, Divine Impassibility: An Essay in Philosophical Theology - PhilPapers
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Analytic Reflections on Divine Blessedness. Mullins - - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 2 1 Jordan Wessling - - Sophia 58 3 Creel, "Divine Impassibility: An Essay in Philosophical Theology", divine impassibility an essay in philosophical theology. Ford - - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 24 3 The Passibility of God.
Charles Taliaferro - - Religious Studies 25 2 - Towards the Possibility of Impassibilist Pastoral Care. Robert S. Heaney - - Heythrop Journal 48 2 — Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering — Edited by James F. Keating and Thomas Joseph White, O. Fergus Kerr - - Modern Theology 28 1 Chapter Eight The Impassible Suffered: Divine Love and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility By Kent Dunnington.
Kent Dunnington - - In Thomas Jay Oord ed. Cambridge Scholars Press. Models of God. Ted Peters - - Philosophia 35 Divine Impassibility.
James A. Keller - - Process Studies 15 4 Ronald J. Feenstra - - Faith and Philosophy 5 4 Simply Impossible: A Case Against Divine Simplicity.
Mullins - - Journal of Reformed Theology 7 2 The Theodicy of Austin Farrer. Simon Oliver - - Heythrop Journal 39 3 — Divine Retribution: A Defence. Oliver D. Crisp - - Sophia 42 2 A Neomedieval Essay in Philosophical Theology. Ramon M. Lemos - - Lexington Books.
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On Systematic Philosophical Theology - Talbot School of Theology
, time: 49:30Divine Impassibility: An Essay in Philosophical Theology by Richard E. Creel

Divine Impassibility: An Essay in Philosophical Theology. Divine Impassibility.: It has been about fifty years since the topic of divine impassibility was the subject of book-length philosophical Conclusion: Jan 11, · Divine Essay Impassibility In Philosophical Theology. Divine Impassibility An Essay In Philosophical Theology. Divine Essay Impassibility In Philosophical Theology. Divine Impassibility: An Essay In Philosophical Theology. Gallery of Images "Divine impassibility an essay in philosophical theology pdf" ( pics)/5() Nov 27, · The author shows that clear, adequate analysis of the issue must distinguish four respects in which God might be passible or impassible: nature, will, knowledge, and feeling. He shows also how decisions on this topic bear on numerous others in philosophical theology such as creation, eternality, evil, and human freedom.3/5
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