Sunday, August 1, 2021

Communication satellites impact on humans

Communication satellites impact on humans

communication satellites impact on humans

Space debris (also known as space junk, space pollution, space waste, space trash, or space garbage) is defunct artificial objects in space—principally in Earth orbit—which no longer serve a useful function. These include derelict spacecraft—nonfunctional spacecraft and abandoned launch vehicle stages—mission-related debris, and particularly numerous in Earth orbit, fragmentation Apr 05,  · In , long before the first satellite orbited Earth, Arthur C. Clarke famously described how radio signals could bounce off satellites for long-distance communication. Today, communications Sep 29,  · The focus on satellites as political tools began to give way to people as both countries sent humans into space in Later in the decade, however, the aims of both countries began to split

Space debris - Wikipedia

Everybody is flipping out about an imminent pole shift, humanity has already survived a couple of them which happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, we rely on technology today more than ever which will probably be destroyed in case of a sudden pole shift. A pole shift takes between years to complete, during this time it will cause a lot of natural disasters, and it will alter the climate to a point where a new ice age could be the new norm.

If you are serious about prepping in case of a pole shift there are some ways to save your electronic devices, my personal recommendation is to get a Faraday bag that will protect your devices from solar flares and electromagnetic pulses Click here to check it out on Amazon. Humanity has already witnessed a few of these events during different stages of our human evolution.

The last magnetic pole reversal happened around thousand years ago, and as one of these events occurs usually once every thousand years we can expect a magnetic pole reversal scenario anytime. While communication satellites impact on humans are not exactly sure what causes a magnetic pole reversal most agree that its main cause could be the molten iron core in the communication satellites impact on humans of the planet.

It is a little-known fact that earth has actually two North polesthe geographic north pole, and the magnetic north pole. In the case of a magnetic pole reversal, the geographic north pole will remain the same and the magnetic north pole will flip and will be positioned in the south pole, communication satellites impact on humans.

Believe it or not, but the pole shift is happening now, scientists have observed that the magnetic north pole is slowly traveling south, through Canada. It is estimated that the magnetic north pole is traveling around 25 miles per year, you might think this is slow but every year its speed is increasing. Once it arrives around the equator the speed at which it travels would increase significantly. Most scientists agree that a total pole shift will take around years, communication satellites impact on humans, you might think that humanity will have communication satellites impact on humans time to prepare for such an event but the magnetic pole reversal is more communication satellites impact on humans as you might think.

Some people when imagining a magnetic pole reversal imagine that the entire planet will flip upside down. Just like when you place a ball in the water and due to the waves the balls communication satellites impact on humans around, communication satellites impact on humans, but this idea is false. The idea of the entire planet flipping around on its own axes is highly communication satellites impact on humans, like the example mentioned above with the ball in the water, the ball will spin because it has 2 forces acting upon it, the waves and gravity.

The closest celestial object is the Moon which does have a gravitational pull on the planet mainly in the form of tides that are caused by the Moon. The magnetic pole reversal effects on humans will be noticeable as we all rely on the magnetic poles for navigation and communication on a large scale. Basically, without the magnetic field, the earth could end up looking like Mars, although in case of a magnetic pole shift, eath would not lose its magnetic field, it will only weaken it.

Preparing for a scenario as a magnetic pole shift would be extremely hard for humanity, as the weakened magnetic field could not protect us from solar flares which means that electronic devices and the power grid would be disabled almost entirely. The magnetic pole shift effects on weather will start with massive floods.

Oceanic floods are one of the most catastrophic events that will happen during the magnetic pole shift, communication satellites impact on humans. Once the magnetic power of the earth becomes less powerful it will create several low and high magnetic power zones, these will affect not only the oceans but also the tectonic plates. Scientists claim that most coastal regions will be flooded while others will gain coastal land, as for which one of these events will happen in any particular place is unknown as the actual movement of the pole shift once it hits a certain point will be unpredictable.

Most probably mega-tsunamis will flood each of the continents and it is still unknown if these waters will recede in their original locations or will form new seas and oceans.

People on the east coast of the USA have started noticing several anomalies in regards to tides, most often people notice that the water recedes way back than it has previously done so. During a massive SHTF situation like a pole shift, you will have to decide when to bug out, for more information check out my recent article How to know when to bug out Top Signs.

The magnetic core of the planet also affects the tectonic plates, these will be probably the early warning signs in addition to floods. These earthquakes will be small in scale in the beginning, as the pole shift unfolds they will be more and more powerful and scientists do not exclude a super earthquake or even several of them.

The most affected area will be the ring of fire which is in the Pacific ocean hugging the coastlines of North America, South America, China, Russian, and Australia. The movement of the tectonic plates not only causes earthquakes and tsunamis but also volcanoes, even today without the pole shift most active volcanoes are found in the ring of fire.

The last short pole shift event is called the Laschamp Communication satellites impact on humans, which caused a supervolcano located in France. The Laschamp Event happened around 40 thousand years ago and the magnetic pole reversal took around years to complete. After a pole shift, a supervolcano could be the final blow for most of humanity.

A supervolcano would spill out so much ash that it could block the sun for years which will cause most crops to die. Not only this vulcanic winter would kill most of the crops and living creatures but it will also contaminate freshwater with rains containing sulphuric acid.

Now imagine a scenario where humanity has to survive in a volcanic winter and exposure to radiation from the sun due to the weakened magnetic field. Power grids are the lifeline of our modern society, without them, we would have difficulty surviving. Humanity has thrived even without modern electronics for millennia, the problem is that most people today are so reliant on the power grid that they could not survive without it.

Not only people are relying on the power grid to survive but so do governments, without the power grid a government collapse is inevitable. If you are wondering if is it possible to survive a nuclear blast in a fridge then check out my recent article Can you survive a nuclear bomb in a fridge? Fact or Fiction?

As the earth is devastated by floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, and massive earthquakes the carbon reservoirs in the bottom of the oceans may be suddenly released.

At best this will speed up global warming, at its worst in a big enough concentration carbon monoxide could kill almost every living creature on earth. Carbon monoxide poisoning is very dangerous as it is colorless and odorless, once a person notices something is wrong it might be too late. Animals rely on their instincts and even if they know they are not where they should be they will still follow the magnetic north.

Navigation relies almost exclusively on the magnetic north pole and not the geographical pole. This is why your compass always points towards the north, but once you are getting closer and closer to the north pole the compass will start flipping out. We have all heard of the stories happening in the Bermuda Trianglethe actual cause is unknown but scientists tend to agree that the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes could be due to a magnetic anomaly.

In case of planes deviating from the target by only a couple of degrees could end up in disaster, communication satellites impact on humans, your destination might be Florida but you end up in the middle of the ocean and it is only a matter of time before you run out of fuel. This means that global communications will be down, and this is just the start of the pole shift.

Countries without knowledge of the pole shift event or simply just not believing it would most probably consider an all wipe of their communication as an attack and this could end up in a disaster.

Although coordinating an attack would probably be impossible without modern communications and navigation, communication satellites impact on humans. While in the early stages of the pole shift communication devices will be affected but the power grid would be still functional for the most part.

This might not sound so bad but the world would go silent till the pole shift completes, and if humanity still has the knowledge of how to rebuild. As all politicians in their search for power would blame anybody just to keep their power. As the pole shift is unfolding and it is starting to affect our day-to-day lives politicians will try to keep the public calm so that they keep going to work.

During this time more and more laws will be passed on protecting the infrastructure and the population safe during the pole shift, communication satellites impact on humans, although most of these laws will be only made to keep a more firm grip on the population as politicians scramble in thinking of methods of keeping people at obeying the laws once the communications go down. It is only a matter of time until communications drop off on a global scale. You might think that you will not be affected as you do not work in the communications industry, but the hard truth is that everybody will be affected.

We live in a global economy, once communications break down on a global scale, trade will be almost impossible at least not on the scale of today.

Due to limited communications transferring money and stocks will be impossible, this means that the influx of money coming into Wall Street will stop as soon as the satellites go down. After the stock market crashes come the imminent loss of jobs and even civil unrest.

The last economic collapse which happened in was a drop in the puddle compared to this one, as in the US government bailed out sever too big to fail companies just so they keep people employed and have at least some financial stability. In my article How to prepare for economic collapse In 22 StepsI point out 22 tips on how to prepare for an economic collapse. There will be no bailouts this time, it will be impossible. Most of the money is in digital format, once you pay for something the money is transferred to different bank accounts and all of them rely on the internet.

While some financial institutions will survive such as the Federal Reserve these will also vanish once people need cash and alternative valuable items to trade with rather than money which will be worthless.

Most preppers know that in a major SHTF scenario the local currency will be worthless, however, gold and silver will still be valuable, in my article How much silver should a prepper have OZ I address why so many preppers choose silver instead of gold and how much you should have.

Due to the lack of jobs and limited rule of law people will try and fend for themselves as best as they can. Governments will try and keep their loyal subjects close to them and in most cases only helping these ones out communication satellites impact on humans of the entire population.

Although the grasp on population is quickly fading away, most governments will try and keep their power until the last minute. Odds are that this land will be in a foreign country and there will be a lot of countries trying to occupy this piece of land.

Depending on when these safe places would be identified if global communications are still working so will military communications. This will be an all in war, as at its stake is the future of an entire nation, the one who can conquer it and protect it will have a much better chance of surviving than everybody else. Once people will realize that governments will not be able to provide for their basic communication satellites impact on humans some will take charge of the situation.

While most people could not survive for a month on what they have in their fridge but there will be people who have prepared and have ample supplies of food and water. In order to protect their supplies, these smaller groups will probably band together for security, or consider each other as competition, in this case, they will most likely fight each other.

As the next pole shit will take around years to complete once the grid goes down and the civil unrest has settled most survivors will try and adapt to this new world. People who have knowledge in tracking, hunting, fishing, and living off the land will probably be the ones who survive. It will take a couple of years until people will accept that this is their faith and that they have to survive as best as they can. During this time most of the governments are gone, but some will survive.

The ones that will survive will be probably from third world countries where they could never rely on the local power grid due to communication satellites impact on humans extreme poverty, as they had to manage without the power grid for decades this will become a normal thing for them once the entire world will be off the grid.

During my research, I could not find any conclusive evidence that a pole shift will actually affect the human body. There is a lot of research done on how magnetic forces affect the human body but in the case of a pole shift that can cause high or low magnetic forces, there is still no conclusive evidence, communication satellites impact on humans. The truth is humanity during its evolution has survived several pole shifts and natural disasters that have followed them.

Probably pole communication satellites impact on humans will have no effects on the body directly, however indirectly they will have an effect on our well-being due to our reliance on the power grid. It is not exactly known when communication satellites impact on humans pole shifts will happen, some scientists claim that it could happen in the next couple of thousand years, but others claim that it could even happen in our lifetime and the irreversible magnetic pole shift is already happening.

Scientists still do not know why the last magnetic pole shift only happened years ago and not recently. Humans in the past would have no problem surviving but today with our reliance on modern electronics could get very dangerous for humanity. In the case of an EMP attack, communication satellites impact on humans, solar mass coronal ejection, and pole shift one thing is certain that the power grid will be destroyed.

The big threat of a magnetic pole shift reversal is that this off-grid scenario would have a global effect and not a communication satellites impact on humans one like in the case of an EMP or a solar flare. More optimistic scientists claim that the magnetic pole shift will take around years to complete.

In theory, humanity should have enough time to prepare, but as the speed of the pole shit ever increases this could be a losing battle. The question is not if a poler shift does happen but when will it happen. Odds are that it has already started with the magnetic pole slowly traveling towards the south, but nobody knows when it has actually started. It is safe to say that humanity from a survival stand of point will be in trouble, not only we will have to face the natural disasters coming with a pole shift like tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, and so on but we also have to re-learn how to live without any electricity for several decades if not more.

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communication satellites impact on humans

Positive Impact. A better economy – it introduces rapid development of the capital market; Introducing new technologies- the new technologies and progress in telecommunication, introduction of satellites, mobiles etc are all results of globalization. The new scientific research patterns are all results of globalization. Living standards are The intensity of environmental impact of technology and population can be expressed by a simple formula I = PAT, where I is the environmental impact, P is the population, A is the affluence factor Apr 05,  · In , long before the first satellite orbited Earth, Arthur C. Clarke famously described how radio signals could bounce off satellites for long-distance communication. Today, communications

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