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Texarkana Gazette
The overarching question imparting urgency to this exploration is: Can U. In considering this question we were constantly reminded of recent comments by a prominent U. Renewables are widely perceived as an opportunity to shatter the hegemony of fossil fuel-rich states and democratize the energy landscape.
Virtually all countries have access to some renewable energy resources especially solar and wind power and could thus substitute foreign supply with local resources. Our research shows, however, that the role countries are likely to assume in decarbonized energy systems will be based not only on their resource endowment but also on their policy choices. As the United States emerges from the era of so-called forever wars, it should abandon the regime change business for good.
Then, Washington must understand why it failed, writes Stephen Walt. The Coming AI Hackers [pdf]. Artificial intelligence—AI—is an information technology. It consists of software, college application essay pay joke. It runs on computers. I mean this in two very different ways.
One, AI systems will be used to hack us. And two, college application essay pay joke, AI systems will themselves become hackers: finding vulnerabilities in all sorts of social, economic, and political systems, and then exploiting them at an unprecedented speed, scale, and scope. We risk a future of AI systems hacking other AI systems, with humans being little more than collateral damage. This hacking will come naturally, as AIs become more advanced at learning, understanding, and problem-solving.
In this essay, I will talk about the implications of AI hackers, college application essay pay joke. Next, I will describe how AI systems will be used to hack us.
Then, I will explain how AIs will hack the economic, social, college application essay pay joke, and political systems that comprise society, college application essay pay joke. Finally, I will discuss the implications of a world of AI hackers, and point towards possible defenses. Notice the details. Hacking is not cheating. MacGyver was a hacker.
Hacks are clever, but not the same as innovations. Systems tend to be optimized for specific outcomes. Hacking is the pursuit of another outcome, often at the expense of the original optimization Systems tend be rigid.
Systems limit what we can do and invariably, some of us want to do something else. So we hack. Not everyone, of course. But enough of us are, college application essay pay joke. Hacking is normally thought of something you can do to computers. But hacks can be perpetrated on any system of rules—including the tax code. All computer software contains defects, commonly called bugs. These are mistakes: mistakes in specification, mistakes in programming, mistakes that occur somewhere in the process of creating the software.
It might seem crazy, but modern software applications generally have hundreds if not thousands of bugs. That all of this software works perfectly well most the time speaks to how obscure and inconsequential these bugs tend to be. Some of those bugs introduce security holes. By this I mean something very specific: bugs that an attacker can deliberately trigger to achieve some condition that the attacker can take advantage of.
Exploiting a vulnerability is how the Chinese military broke into Equifax in March A vulnerability in the Apache Struts software package allowed hackers to break into a consumer complaint web portal.
From there, college application essay pay joke, they were able to move to other parts of the network. They found usernames and passwords that allowed them to access still other parts of the network, and eventually to download personal information about million people over the course of four months.
This is an example of a hack. The tax code also has bugs. They might be mistakes in how the tax laws were written: errors in the actual words that Congress voted on and the president signed into law. They might be mistakes in how the tax code is interpreted. They might be oversights in how parts of the law were conceived, or unintended omissions of some sort or college application essay pay joke. They might arise from unforeseen interactions between different parts of the tax code.
A recent example comes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. That law was drafted in haste and in secret, and passed without any time for review by legislators—or even proofreading. The text contained a typo that accidentally categorized military death benefits college application essay pay joke earned income.
But some bugs in the tax code are also vulnerabilities. Basically, it involves using a combination of Irish and Dutch subsidiary companies to shift profits to low- or no-tax jurisdictions. Tech companies are particularly well suited to exploit this vulnerability; they can assign intellectual property rights to subsidiary companies abroad, who then transfer cash assets to tax havens. And it can be very profitable for the hackers—in this case, big tech companies avoiding US taxes—at the expense of everyone else.
Some vulnerabilities are deliberately created. Lobbyists are constantly trying to insert this or that provision into the tax code to benefit their clients. That same US tax law that gave rise to unconscionable tax bills to grieving families included a special tax break for oil and gas investment partnerships, a special exemption that ensures that less than 1 in 1, estates will have to pay estate tax, and language specifically expanding a pass-through loophole that industry uses to incorporate offshore and avoid US taxes.
This deliberate insertion is also analogous to something we worry about in software: programmers deliberately adding backdoors into systems for their own purposes. During the past few years, there has been considerable press given to the possibility that Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE have college application essay pay joke backdoors to their 5G routing equipment at the request—or possibly demand—of the Chinese government.
In the tax world, bugs and vulnerabilities are called tax loopholes. In the tax world, taking advantage of these vulnerabilities is called tax avoidance. Modern software is incredibly complex. Microsoft Windows 10, the latest version of that operating system, has about 50 million lines of code. The US tax code is also complex, college application essay pay joke.
It consists of the tax laws passed by Congress, administrative rulings, and judicial rules. Credible estimates of the size of it all are hard to come by; even experts often have no idea. The tax laws themselves are about 2, pages. And in both cases, much of that complexity is related to how different parts of the codes interact with each other. We know how to fix vulnerabilities in computer code.
We can employ a college application essay pay joke of tools to detect and fix them before the code is finished. After the code is out in the world, researchers of various kinds discover them and—most important of all—we want the vendors to quickly patch them once they become known. We can sometimes employ these same methods with the tax code. The tax law capped income tax deductions for property taxes.
Passing any tax legislation is a big deal, especially in the US, where the issue is so partisan and contentious. It can be hard to figure out who is supposed to patch the tax code: is the legislature, the courts, the tax authorities? And then it can take years. Everything is a system, every system can be hacked, and humans are natural hackers. Airline frequent-flier programs are hacked. Card counting in blackjack is a hack. Sports are hacked all the time. Formula One racing is full of hacks, as teams figure out ways to modify car designs that are not specifically prohibited by the rulebook but nonetheless subvert its intent.
The history of finance is a history of hacks. Again and again, financial institutions college application essay pay joke traders look for loopholes in the rules—things that are not expressly prohibited, but are unintended subversions of the underlying systems—that give them an advantage. Uber, college application essay pay joke, Airbnb, and other gig-economy companies hack government regulations. The filibuster is an ancient hack, first invented in ancient Rome.
So are hidden provisions in legislation. Gerrymandering is a hack of the political process. And finally, people can be hacked. Our brain is a system, evolved over millions of years to keep us alive and—more importantly—to keep us reproducing. And because it encompasses many cognitive shortcuts—it evolves, but not on any scale that matters here—it can be manipulated.
Cognitive hacking is powerful. Many college application essay pay joke the robust social systems our society relies on— democracy, market economics, and so on—depend on humans making appropriate decisions. This process can be hacked in many different ways, college application essay pay joke. Social media hacks our attention. Personalized to our attitudes and behavior, modern advertising is a hack of our systems of persuasion.
Disinformation hacks our common understanding of reality. Terrorism hacks our cognitive systems of fear and risk assessment by convincing people that it is a bigger threat than it actually is.
Those are the very things that cause us to exaggerate the risk and overreact.
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