Jan 07, · We are very grateful to you all for your patronage and support over the years. The University of Adelaide Library is proud to have contributed to the early movement of free eBooks and to have witnessed their popularity as they grew to become a regular fixture in study, research, and leisure blogger.com Books has the world’s largest selection of new and used titles to suit any reader's tastes. Find best-selling books, new releases, and classics in every category, from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird to the latest by Stephen King or the next installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid children’s book series. Whatever you are looking for: popular fiction, cookbooks, mystery APS March Meeting Monday–Friday, March 15–19, ; Virtual; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA
APS -APS March Meeting - Epitome
Density Functional Theory Sponsor : APS. Active Learning and AI for Computational and Autonomous Experiments Sponsor : APS. Noisy Quantum Devices Christoph simons dissertation : DQI. Fermi-Hubbard Systems Sponsor : APS. Data analysis and modern visualization Sponsor : APS. Optical Coherence Tomography: Methods and Biomedical Applications Sponsor : APS. Quantum Sensing Sponsor : APS. Synthetic Photonic Matter Sponsor : APS. A00 Live Welcome to the APS March Meeting Sponsor : APS. A01 Invited Live Years of Polymer Science Sponsor : DPOLY Chair : Connie Roth, Emory University Invited Speakers : Frank Bates, Gary Grest, Francoise Brochard-Wyart, Scott Milner, Anna Balazs.
A02 Focus Live Polymer Nanocomposites: Dynamics Sponsor : DPOLY DSOFT GSNP Chair : Shiwang Cheng, Michigan State University Invited Speakers : Michael Hore, Anne-Caroline Genix. A05 Focus Live Active Matter and Liquid Crystals in Biological and Bio-Inspired Christoph simons dissertation Room : 05 Sponsor : DSOFT DBIO DPOLY GSNP Chair : Kimberly Weirich, Clemson University Invited Speakers : Zvonimir Dogic.
A06 Live Colloids and Granular Materials Room : 06 Sponsor : DSOFT Chair : Luis Pugnaloni. A07 Focus Live Programmable Matter Room : 07 Sponsor : DSOFT GSNP DPOLY Chair : Zeb Rocklin, Georgia Institute of Technology Invited Speakers : Corentin Coulais. A08 Focus Live Sustainable Christoph simons dissertation Fundamental Properties, Applications, and Design for End-of-Life Sponsor : DPOLY Chair : Megan Robertson, University of Houston; Joe Stanzione, Rowan University Invited Speakers : John Torkelson, Thomas Epps.
A09 Invited Live Flow and Structure in Dense Suspensions Sponsor : DSOFT Chair : Michelle Driscoll, Northwestern University; Xiang Cheng, University of Minnesota Invited Speakers : Eric Weeks, christoph simons dissertation, Sungyon Lee, Jeffrey Morris, Wilson Poon, Sarah Hormozi.
A10 Invited Live Hybrid Superconducting Quantum Circuits Sponsor : DQI Chair : Javad Shabani, New York Univ NYU Invited Speakers : Attila Geresdi, Karl Petersson, Gary Steele, Angela Kou, William Oliver. A11 Focus Live Mechanics of Cells and Tissues I Sponsor : DBIO Chair : Moumita Das, Rochester Institute of Technology; Joshua Shaevitz, Princeton University Invited Speakers : Guillermina Ramirez-San Juan, William Gilpin.
A12 Focus Live Macromolecular Phase Separation I Sponsor : DBIO DPOLY GSNP DSOFT Chair : Daphne Klotsa, Univ of NC - Chapel Hill; Patrick McCall, Max Planck Institute Invited Speakers : Yaojun Zhang. A13 Focus Live Biomaterials I Sponsor : DBIO Chair : Pupa Gilbert, University of Wisconsin - Madison Invited Speakers : Esther Amstad, Mary Stoddard. A14 Focus Live Physics of Social Interactions I Sponsor : DBIO GSNP Chair : Orit Peleg, University of Colorado, Boulder; Greg Stephens, Vrije Univ Free Univ Invited Speakers : Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan, ofer feinerman.
A15 Live Physics in Medicine: Innovations in Modeling and Therapy Sponsor : GMED Chair : Matija Milanic. A16 Focus Live Control of Noisy Non-Linear Dynamical Systems Sponsor : GSNP DBIO Chair : Uwe Tauber, Virginia Tech Invited Speakers : Priyanka Priyanka. A17 Focus Live Steerable Particles: New Ways to Manipulate Fluid-Mediated Forces Sponsor : GSNP DSOFT DFD Chair : Justin Burton, Emory University Invited Speakers : Narayanan Menon, Sambeeta Das.
A18 Invited Live Non-Linear Dynamics in Cell Mechanobiology Sponsor : GSNP Chair : Phil Nelson, University of Pennsylvania Invited Speakers : pascal silberzan, Samuel Safran, Leonid Mirny, Cliff Brangwynne, Ana Grosberg. A19 Focus Live Van Der Waals Interactions in Molecules, Materials, and Complex Environments I Sponsor : DCOMP Chair : Robert Distasio, Cornell University Invited Speakers : Stefan Grimme, christoph simons dissertation.
A20 Focus Live Heat Transport in Condensed Systems I Sponsor : DCOMP Chair : Nicola Marzari, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Invited Speakers : Andrea Cepellotti. A21 Focus Live Machine Learning for Quantum Matter I Sponsor : DCOMP GDS DMP Chair : Stefanie Czischek, University of Waterloo Invited Speakers : Markus Heyl, christoph simons dissertation, Mohamed Hibat-Allah. A22 Focus Live First-Principles Modeling of Excited-State Phenomena in Materials I: Electron-Phonon and Photon-Phonon Interactions Sponsor : DCOMP DCP DMP Chair : Sahar Sharifzadeh, Boston University Invited Speakers : Pierre Darancet, christoph simons dissertation.
A23 Focus Live Materials in Extremes: Energetic Materials - I Sponsor : GSCCM Chair : Kien Nguyen Cong, University of South Florida Christoph simons dissertation Speakers : Pamela Bowlan.
A24 Live Interfacial flows Sponsor : DFD Chair : Yuan-nan Young, New Jersey Inst of Tech. A25 Live Chemical Physics of Liquids, Glasses, and Crystals Sponsor : DCP Chair : N. Aluru, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. A26 Focus Live Assigning Structures to Spectra Using Density Functional Theory: Methods and Applications I Sponsor : DCP Chair : Benjamin Janesko, Texas Christian Univ; Giovanni Scalmani, Gaussian, Inc. Invited Speakers : Anna Krylov, Kenneth Merz. A27 Live Driven and Dissipative AMO Systems I Sponsor : DAMOP Chair : Nir Navon.
A28 Live Superconducting Qubit Gates, Measurement and Characterization Sponsor : DQI Chair : Kevin Satzinger, Google Inc - Santa Barbara. A29 Focus Live Quantum Information Education Sponsor : DQI FED Chair : Ben Zwickl, Rochester Institute of Technology Invited Speakers : Graeme Smith, Kate Timmerman. A30 Focus Live Quantum Computing Architectures I Sponsor : DQI Chair : Andrei Vrajitoarea, Princeton University Invited Speakers : Hiroto Mukai.
A31 Focus Live Theory of Quantum Error Correction Sponsor : DQI Chair : Shruti Puri, Yale University Invited Speakers : Benjamin Brown, christoph simons dissertation. A32 Focus Live Quantum Metrology and Sensing I Sponsor : DQI Chair : Yuxin Wang, University of Chicago Invited Speakers : Tim Hugo Taminiau, christoph simons dissertation. A33 Focus Live Noise Reduction and Error Mitigation in Quantum Computing I Sponsor : DQI Chair : Peter Johnson, Zapata Computing Inc Invited Speakers : Nicholas Rubin.
A34 Focus Live Quantum Annealing and Optimization I Sponsor : DQI Chair : Zoe Gonzalez Izquierdo Invited Speakers : Tameem Albash. A35 Invited Live Non-Hermitian Physics in AMO and Condensed Matter Systems Sponsor : DAMOP Chair : Chuanwei Zhang, christoph simons dissertation, University of Texas at Dallas Invited Speakers : Masahito Ueda, Kater Murch, christoph simons dissertation, Yoshiro Takahashi, Le Luo.
A38 Focus Live Spin and Heat Transports Sponsor : GMAG DMP FIAP Chair : Pan He, Fudan University. A39 Focus Live Kitaev Systems I Sponsor : GMAG DMP Chair : Philipp Gegenwart, Augsburg University Invited Speakers : Paul McClarty. A40 Focus Live Skyrmions in Two Dimensional Systems Sponsor : GMAG DMP Chair : Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt, Oak Ridge National Lab Invited Speakers : Roberto Lo Conte. A41 Live Applied Thin Film, Interface, and Surface Science Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Daniel Dougherty, Christoph simons dissertation Carolina State University.
A42 Live Bandstructures of Twisted Bilayers Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Jianhao Chen, Peking Univ, christoph simons dissertation. A43 Live Strange Metals and Novel Transport Properties Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Tarapada Sarkar, University of Maryland, College Park. A44 Live Christoph simons dissertation Chains and 1D Systems Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Yonko Millev, American Physical Society, christoph simons dissertation.
A45 Live Dirac and Weyl Semimetals: Optical and Transport Properties Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Fernando De Juan, Donostia International Physics Center. A46 Live Fractional Quantum Hall Effect I Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Jie Wang, Flatiron Institute. A47 Live Competing Phases and Superconductivity Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Rebecca Flint, Iowa State University. A48 Live Superconductivity:Josephson Junctions Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Bing Lv, University of Texas at Dallas Patrick Cheung, University of Texas at Dallas.
A49 Invited Live Topology and Christoph simons dissertation Superconductivity Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Johnpierre Paglione, University of Maryland, College Park Invited Speakers : Youichi Yanase, Ian Hayes, Stuart Brown, Andriy Nevidomskyy, Daniel Agterberg.
A50 Invited Live High Harmonic Generation of Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Jian-Xin Zhu, Los Alamos Natl Lab Invited Speakers : Martin Eckstein, Zenghu Chang, Sumio Ishihara, David Hsieh, Benedikt Fauseweh. A51 Focus Live Topological Materials: Chiral and Semimetals Sponsor : DMP Chair : Seongshik Oh, Rutgers University, New Brunswick Invited Speakers : Mehdi Kargarian, Niels Christoph simons dissertation. A52 Focus Live Topological Superconductivity: Quantum Wires and 2DEG Sponsor : DMP Chair : Alex Matos Abiague, christoph simons dissertation, Wayne State Univ Invited Speakers : Roman Lutchyn, christoph simons dissertation.
A53 Focus Live Multiferroics, Christoph simons dissertation, Spin-Electric Coupling, and Ferroelectrics - 1 Sponsor : DMP DCOMP GMAG Chair : Turan Birol, University of Minnesota Invited Speakers : Michele Kotiuga. A54 Focus Live Kitaev RuCl3 and Spin Liquid Christoph simons dissertation Iridates Sponsor : DMP Chair : Kenneth Burch Invited Speakers : Young-June Kim, Mark Dean.
A55 Focus Live Extreme Heteroepitaxy and Novel Growth Methods Including Hybrid MBE and Laser Thermal Evaporation Sponsor : DMP Chair : Darrell Schlom, Cornell University Invited Speakers : Mark S Rzchowski.
A56 Focus Live Deformation of 2D Materials and Interfaces Sponsor : DMP Chair : Gabor Balazsi, State Univ of NY - Stony Brook Invited Speakers : David Srolovitz.
A57 Focus Live 2D Semiconductors: Transport and Magnetism Sponsor : DMP GMAG Chair : Xia Hong, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Invited Speakers : Yujun Deng. A58 Invited Live What Do Early-Career Physicists Do? A View of the Post-Doc Experience Sponsor : FGSA Chair : LaNell Williams, christoph simons dissertation, Harvard University Invited Speakers : Kiersten Ruisard, Krista Freeman, Christopher Safranski, Danai Montalvan.
A59 Focus Live Halide Perovskites II: Structure and Lattice Dynamics Sponsor : DMP Chair : David Egger, Technical University of Munich Invited Speakers : Ram Seshadri. A60 Focus Live AI Materials Design and Discovery I Sponsor : GDS DCOMP Chair : Cheng-Chien Chen, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham; Sergei Kalinin, Oak Ridge National Lab Invited Speakers : Christopher Wolverton. A61 Live Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Sponsor : DLS Chair : ANTHONY BEGLEY, American Physical Society.
A67 Live Exhibitor Workshop: IOP Publishing — Research integrity: emerging and endemic threats Sponsor : APS. A80 DSOFT Networking II Sponsor : DSOFT. A68 Live Exhibitor Workshop: Quantum Machines — Quantum Orchestration: Integrated hardware and software for design and execution of complex quantum control protocols II Sponsor : APS.
A82 DPOLY Networking I Sponsor : DPOLY. B66 Live Exhibitor Workshop: Oxford Instruments — Proteox Overview and Platform Roadmap Sponsor : APS. B01 Invited Live Machine Learning and Data in Polymer Physics Sponsor : DPOLY Chair : Debra Audus, christoph simons dissertation, National Institute of Standards and Technology Invited Speakers : Juan De Pablo, Wei Chen, Yaroslava Yingling, Sanket Deshmukh, Rampi Ramprasad. B02 Focus Live Polymer Structure Formation and Dynamics in Solution I: Structure and Assembly Sponsor : DPOLY GSNP DBIO Chair : Svetlana Morozova, Case Western Reserve University Invited Speakers : Timothy Lodge.
B03 Focus Live Polymer Nanocomposites: Surfaces and Interfaces Sponsor : DPOLY DSOFT GSNP Chair : Shiwang Cheng, Michigan State University; Robert Hickey, University of Pennsylvania Invited Speakers : Alexei Sokolov. B04 Focus Live Membrane-Based Separation Processes Sponsor : DPOLY Chair : Venkat Padmanabhan, christoph simons dissertation, Tennessee Tech University Invited Speakers : Zachary Smith, christoph simons dissertation.
B05 Focus Live Active Matter and Liquid Crystals in Biological and Bio-Inspired Systems II Room : 05 Sponsor : DSOFT DBIO DPOLY GSNP Chair : Kinjal Dasbiswas, University of California, Merced Invited Speakers : Rui Zhang, christoph simons dissertation.
B06 Live Membranes, Micelles and Vesicles Room : 06 Sponsor : DSOFT Chair : Hendrik Spanke, ETH Zurich, christoph simons dissertation. B07 Focus Live DSOFT Prize Session Room : 07 Sponsor : DSOFT Chair : Douglas Durian, University of Pennsylvania Invited Speakers : Stefano Sacanna. B09 Invited Live Non-Equilibrium Bioinspired Modes of Assembling Materials Sponsor : DSOFT Chair : Roy Beck, Tel Aviv University; Cecilia Leal, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Invited Speakers : O Lavrentovich, Irmgard Bischofberger, Nancy Sottos, Silvia Vignolini, William Rogers.
B10 Invited Live The Many Dimensions of Evolution Sponsor : DBIO Chair : Mikhail Tikhonov, Washington University, christoph simons dissertation, St. Louis Invited Speakers : Christopher Marx, Benjamin Good, William Hanage, Britt Koskella, Deborah Gordon. Christoph simons dissertation Focus Live Mechanics of Cells and Tissues II Sponsor : DBIO Chair : Daniel Cohen, Princeton University; Ming Ming Wu, Cornell University Invited Speakers : Mahmut Selman Sakar.
B12 Focus Live Macromolecular Phase Separation II Sponsor : DBIO DPOLY GSNP DSOFT Chair : Daphne Klotsa, Univ of NC - Chapel Hill; Yaojun Zhang, Princeton University Invited Speakers : Louise Jawerth. B13 Focus Live Physics of Biofilms I Sponsor : DBIO DFD DPOLY DSOFT Chair : Vernita Gordon, University of Texas at Austin; Jing Yan, christoph simons dissertation, Yale University Invited Speakers : Alexandre Persat, Jing Yan.
B15 Live Magnetism in Biomedicine Sponsor : GMED GMAG Chair : Hariharan Srikanth, University of South Florida; Stephen Russek, National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder Invited Speakers : Steve Connolly. B16 Focus Live Non-Linear Dynamics in Biological Cells Sponsor : GSNP DBIO Chair : Samuel Safran, Weizmann Institute christoph simons dissertation Science Invited Speakers : John Marko.
B17 Focus Live Textiles and topology I: Sheets, Entanglement and Elasticity Sponsor : GSNP DSOFT Chair : Daria Atkinson, University of Massachusetts Amherst Invited Speakers : Christopher Rycroft. B18 Invited Live Apker Award Session Sponsor : DCMP Chair : Nate Stern, Northwestern University Invited Speakers : Tali Khain, Elise Christoph simons dissertation, Nicholas Poniatowski. B19 Focus Live Van Der Waals Interactions in Molecules, Materials, and Complex Environments II Sponsor : DCOMP Chair : Noa Marom, Carnegie Mellon Univ Invited Speakers : Kenneth Jordan, Pavlo Gordiichuk.
B20 Focus Live Electrons, Phonons, Electron-Phonon Scattering, and Phononics I Sponsor : DCOMP DMP Chair : Ivana Savic, christoph simons dissertation, Univ Coll Cork Invited Speakers : Aditya Sood. B21 Focus Live Machine Learning for Quantum Matter II Sponsor : DCOMP GDS DMP Chair : Mohamed Hibat-Allah, University of Waterloo Invited Speakers : Marin Bukov, Estelle Inack.
B22 Focus Live Emerging Trends in MD Simulations and Machine Learning I Sponsor : DCOMP GDS DSOFT DPOLY Chair : Rajiv Kalia, Univ of Southern California Invited Speakers : Ken-ichi Nomura. B23 Focus Live Materials in Extremes: Energetic Materials - Christoph simons dissertation Sponsor : GSCCM Chair : Pamela Bowlan, Los Alamos National Laboratory Invited Speakers : Kyle Ramos.
B24 Live Drops I Sponsor : DFD Chair : Pedro Saenz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. B25 Focus Live Behavior of Liquids Confined on the Nanometer Scale I Sponsor : DCP Chair : John Fourkas, University of Maryland, College Park Invited Speakers : Benoit Coasne, Michael Strano.
B26 Focus Live Predicting Rare Event Kinetics in Complex Systems with Theory, Simulations and Machine Learning I Sponsor : DCP Chair : Omar Valsson, Max Planck Inst.
, time: 50:40
Browse through the biggest community of researchers available online on ResearchGate, the professional scientific network for scientists Jan 07, · We are very grateful to you all for your patronage and support over the years. The University of Adelaide Library is proud to have contributed to the early movement of free eBooks and to have witnessed their popularity as they grew to become a regular fixture in study, research, and leisure APS March Meeting Monday–Friday, March 15–19, ; Virtual; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA
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