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Department of Art and Art History (GRAD) < University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The degree can be completed in approximately fifteen months of full-time study. The program has a dual focus: the visual cultures of Rome and the Mediterranean across time, from antiquity to the present; and the acquisition of technical skills for primary research. It also stimulates critical perspectives on the impact of Roman art worldwide.
The MA welcomed its inaugural class in Fall semester It is the first graduate degree program in art history based entirely in Rome offered by a U. accredited university. Faculty members teaching for the MA come from diverse national backgrounds and hold PhDs and other advanced degrees in art history and archaeology from leading institutions, including the Courtauld Institute, the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, the Universities of Oxford, Chicago, Munich, Pennsylvania, and Edinburgh, Duke University, Boston University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
All have a long experience of Rome, of Italy, and of art-historical art history dissertation by john bandiera. Faculty research specializations span the chronological range from classical antiquity to the present, concentrating on subjects as diverse as Mannerist painting, ancient Roman portraiture, medieval manuscript illumination, Baroque antiquarianism, nineteenth-century American art criticism, and contemporary photography in Europe and in Africa.
Research Seminars are periodically enriched by the participation of prominent guest lecturers from other universities, foreign academies, museums, and learned societies. These venues of art history dissertation by john bandiera culture and documentation constitute the laboratory of the degree.
Some courses involve travel to other parts of Italy—for example, to Naples, Florence, or Assisi. During the Foundation Year Fall-Spring art history dissertation by john bandiera Fall-Spring-Summer students complete twenty-four credit hours of coursework:.
Six graduate-level courses in the history of art and architecture eighteen credit hours totalincluding at least three graduate research seminars and one seminar or topics course focused on each of four periods: Antiquity; the Middle Ages; Early Modernity i. Renaissance-Baroque ; and the Modern and Contemporary era. Students choose from an array of dedicated, graduate-level courses and seminars in consultation with the MA Director.
Two methodological foundations courses six credit hours total : Case Studies in Art-Historical Practice Fall ; and Practicum in Art-Historical Research and Problem Solving Spring. Required of all MA students, these courses cultivate methodological dexterity, problem solving, and technical skills as a basis for innovative research. The Foundation Year also includes a cultural events attendance component: each student attends and reviews at least ten scholarly lectures, art history dissertation by john bandiera, conferences, exhibitions, or other approved events over the course of the academic year.
Rome is especially rich in opportunities for extraordinary intellectual expansion and enrichment thanks to its unique wealth of foreign scholarly academies, learned societies, universities, embassies, museums, and libraries, each with its own public programming, art history dissertation by john bandiera. By the end of the Foundation Year, students must demonstrate reading knowledge of one of the principal languages of European art history: Italian, French, or German.
The remainder of the summer can be devoted to courseworkthesis researchresearch-related travel, internships in or outside of Rome, supplementary language training, or other professional or educational activities, including the Alberese Archaeological Field School. The thesis is typically based on a research project initiated during the Foundation Year in the context of a graduate research seminar or topics course. It concentrates on primary source material objects, buildings, excavations, documents and is written under the guidance of a professor from the John Cabot University art history faculty.
A Thesis Colloquium three credit hours accompanies and structures the thesis-writing experience. Colloquium participants present and discuss their research in progress; invite prominent guest professors to speak and critique their work; and prepare and deliver public presentations of their theses.
During this final semester or the preceding summerMA candidates complete an Art-Historical Apprenticeship three credit hours. The apprenticeship may take the form of a teaching or research assistantship at John Cabot University or of an internship at a museum, research institute, historic library, school, gallery, or foundation, art history dissertation by john bandiera. The University currently has internship agreements with a range of cultural entities, including the Polo Museale della Città di Romathe British School at Romethe Norwegian InstituteTevereternoand the Biblioteca Angelica.
Art History MA Thesis Guidelines. Graduate Research Seminars are research-intensive colloquia focused on specialized themes devised to stimulate original student research.
They begin with the reading of a discrete body of scholarly sources and the examination of primary source material and proceed to the development of a focused research project, presentation, and paper by each seminar participant. Weekly seminar meetings are devoted to analyzing readings; examining art and other primary materials in museums, libraries, or laboratories; and presenting and discussing the results of individual research. Research Seminars and their respective professors for academic year are: The Syntax of Public and Private Space in Ancient Rome Inge Lyse Hansen ; Vice and Virtue in Post-Tridentine Rome Laura Foster ; Constructing Identities: Christian Funerary Art in Late-Antique Rome Sharon Salvadori ; and Modernity and Loss: Nineteenth-Century Art and Rome Karen Georgi.
See course descriptions. Topics courses structure the acquisition of visual and historical information and research skills pertinent to specific artistic styles, media, genres, artists, or critical phenomena. Their formats vary. Most involve some combination of lectures, guided readings, art history dissertation by john bandiera, site visits, and the researching and writing of a substantial paper.
Sample course themes include Ancient Roman and Mediterranean mural painting; illuminated manuscripts of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages; erotic art in the Renaissance; and the valorization of contemporary visual culture. Applicants whose first language is Italian, French, or German or who hold a BA or the equivalent from a university where the language of instruction is Italian, French, or German are exempt from this requirement.
Although language courses do not count toward the MA, students needing further language preparation may register for JCU courses in Italian, French, art history dissertation by john bandiera, or German. Course or requirement. Students opting for this format are free to devote the summer to independent thesis research; research-related travel; supplementary language training; or other professional activities, including the Apprenticeship 3 credit hours. Applicants who are EU citizens or who have an Italian permit art history dissertation by john bandiera stay permesso di soggiorno are eligible for admission as part-time students.
Part-time students take between three and nine credit hours per term and are allowed four years to complete all degree requirements. With this point of departure, it cultivates visual-contextual analysis and skills for primary research while stimulating alternative perspectives on deeply rooted disciplinary habits, art history dissertation by john bandiera.
What happens, for instance, when we turn away from comparisons chosen to demonstrate clear patterns and art history dissertation by john bandiera sequences and attend instead to the untidy fragments that emerge from a newly excavated archaeological site? How does the experience of a building in continuous use for two thousand years challenge ideas about historical periodization or the ways objects acquire and convey meaning?
The degree is designed to serve as a foundation for art-historical careers in museums, galleries, schools, art consultancies, art publishing houses, and related entities; as preparation for Ph, art history dissertation by john bandiera.
doctoral level study in the history of art at other institutions; as continuing education for teachers of art history, history, classical studies, and related subjects; or as career enhancement for current and future professionals in areas where primary research skills and expertise in Roman visual culture offer creative advantages and possibilities for specialization.
Examples include library and information science, cultural heritage management, historical fiction and script writing, scenography, art conservation, and game design. For more information on the MA in Art History write to [email protected]. apply Contact Give MyJCU. English Italiano. An American university in the heart of Rome. Learn More. Master of Arts in Art History. Master of Arts in Art History Admissions Tuition and Housing Financial Aid. Useful Links Application Form Course Descriptions Department of Art History and Studio Art Academic Calendar Campus Hours.
Learn About The Foundation Year. During the Foundation Year Fall-Spring or Fall-Spring-Summer students complete twenty-four credit hours of coursework: Six graduate-level courses in the history of art and architecture eighteen credit hours totalart history dissertation by john bandiera, including at least three graduate research seminars and one seminar or topics course focused on each of four periods: Antiquity; the Middle Ages; Early Modernity i.
The Summer Term. The Thesis Semester. Courses and Degree Components. Methodological Foundations Courses required of all MA students: - Case Studies in Art-Historical Practice is a team-taught course focused on exemplary works of art-historical scholarship.
Sample Timetables. Fall semester Course or requirement Credit Hours Spring semester Course or Requirement Credit Hours Case Studies in Art Art history dissertation by john bandiera Practice 3 Practicum in Art-Historical Research and Problem Solving 3 Research Seminar 3 Research Seminar 3 Topics Course 3 Research Seminar 3 Topics Course 3 Topics Course 3 Cultural events attendance Cultural events attendance Italian, French, or German reading comprehension test Fall or Spring.
Fall Semester I Practicum in Art-Historical Research and Problem Solving 3 credit hours Research Seminar 3 credit hours Research Seminar 3 credit hours Topics Course 3 credit hours Cultural events attendance Italian, French, or German reading comprehension test Fall or Spring. Fall I Spring I Summer Thesis Term Practicum in Art-Historical Research and Problem Solving 3 credit hours Case Studies in Art-Historical Practice 3 credit hours MA exam June Master's Thesis 6 credit hours Research Seminar 3 credit hours Students opting for this format are free to devote the summer to independent thesis research; art history dissertation by john bandiera travel; supplementary language training; or other professional activities, including the Apprenticeship 3 credit hours.
Thesis Colloquium 3 credit hours Research Seminar 3 credit hours Professional Apprenticeship 3 credit hoursif not completed during the Summer term Topics Course 3 credit hours Cultural events attendance Italian, French, or German reading comprehension test Fall or Spring.
Art history dissertation by john bandiera Study. Philosophy and Method. After Graduation. Case Studies in Art Historical Practice. Practicum in Art-Historical Research and Problem Solving.
Research Seminar. Topics Course. Cultural events attendance. Italian, French, or German reading comprehension test Fall or Spring. Credit hours. Master's Thesis Registration. Thesis Colloquium. Practicum in Art-Historical Research and Problem Solving 3 credit hours.
Research Seminar 3 credit hours. Topics Course 3 credit hours. Case Studies in Art-Historical Practice 3 credit hours. MA exam June, art history dissertation by john bandiera. Master's Thesis 6 credit hours. Thesis Colloquium 3 credit hours. Professional Apprenticeship 3 credit hoursif not completed during the Summer term.
4 Art History Research Assignments
, time: 6:34| Department of Art

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